Ten Zombie Phrases That Will Kill Your Resume

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We are realizing slowly that when you try to hire great people through mechanical means by searching their resumes for keywords, you don't get the results you want.

You have to hire people through human means, by engaging with them as people rather than as bundles of skills and professional credentials. Everybody has a story. We all resonate better with certain people and cultures than with others.

5 Things That Are Doing More Damage To Your Job Application Than You Realize

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When you’re searching for a job, it’s easy to spot a good position and just go through the motions of submitting a resume and cover letter without even thinking. But when it comes to making yourself stand out among all the qualified candidates, being on auto-pilot only hurts you. After all, just one little blunder can turn a recruiter off.

To avoid that from happening, we’ve identified five pretty common—but surprisingly harmful—pieces of information that most of us are guilty of including in our job applications. Next time, leave them off—and focus on the information that’ll really make you shine.

10 Troubling Habits of Chronically Unhappy People

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Happiness comes in so many different forms that it can be hard to define. Unhappiness, on the other hand, is easy to identify; you know it when you see it, and you definitely know when it’s taken ahold of you.

Unhappiness is lethal to everyone around you, just like second-hand smoke. The famous Terman Study from Stanford followed subjects for eight decades and found that being around unhappy people is linked to poorer health and a shorter life span.

Happiness has much less to do with life circumstances than you might think. A University of Illinois study found that people who earn the most (more than $10 million annually) are only a smidge happier than the average Joes and Janes who work for them.

3-Step Job Interview Preparation: What to Do Before, During & After an Interview

• 2-minute read •
Blow your next interview out of the water with these simple tips.

I cannot stress the importance of interview preparation! You only get one chance to prove to a potential employer why you’re the right candidate for the job. It’s imperative you walk into each and every interview with a premeditated plan for selling yourself. Unfortunately, too many well-qualified candidates fail to spend enough time preparing for interviews and subsequently lose out on good offers.

Interview prep not your forte? Try implementing this simple 3-step job interview preparation plan to help you score your ideal career.

Staying Positive in the Job Search

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It’s no secret that job hunting at its very worst can be a demoralizing experience. When trying to sell your qualifications in a competitive job market, rejection is inevitable as employers have so many applications to choose from. For this reason, it’s crucial that you maintain a positive attitude toward your job search. In fact, your attitude toward your job search is as important as your strategy for conducting it; your results will certainly suffer if you feel negative, unengaged, or stressed out.

How to get your resume ready for a job search

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Want a new job? First you'll need to know how to create a resume that will help you shine. These seven simple steps can help.
You’ve decided to start your job search, but you’ve already reached a roadblock: Getting your resume ready.
On the job hunt, “your resume is your number one ammo,” says Monster career expert Vicki Salemi, who spent more than 15 years in corporate recruiting. When done right, your resume can open the door to your dream job, she notes.
With stakes that high, it’s no wonder that resume refresh also commonly fills people with existential angst. We get it—condensing your entire work history into a perfectly-worded typo-free single-page document that could potentially determine your entire career future is maybe just a little stressful.

Here’s the kind of training millennials need to get ahead in 2017

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If you want to land a sweet promotion this year, add these skills to your toolbox.
Training: It’s one of the least sexy words in the dictionary, but for career-oriented people, it’s also one of the most important.
While much has been made of the soft skills employers are looking for in entry-level workers, if you’re looking for a raise or promotion this year, you’ll definitely want to show your boss that you’re adding hard, marketable skills to your repertoire.
Luckily, most (good) managers will want you to get training, because it means you’re interested in being better at your job and helping the company grow.

Get a job by graduation with this plan

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Start the new year with these strategies, and let the countdown to crushing your career begin.
For four years, you’ve followed a basic routine: register for classes, study, pass your tests, hand in final papers, repeat. In the back of your mind, you’re starting to realize something. When you graduate in a few months, like it or not, you’re about to be plunged headfirst into the real world.
That anxious “OMG what happens next?” feeling is sinking in, and that’s why you’ve started getting a head start on your job search. You’ve begun to build your social media presence. You’ve created a list of awesome companies to apply to. Maybe you’ve even started posting your resume and contacting your college’s alumni network.

What you can do to get promoted in 2017

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New year, new title, new paycheck! The key to getting ahead at your job is nailing your annual review.
While you’re making your New Year’s resolutions to go to the gym, eat healthier and meditate more, add “rise up at work” to the list. The most opportune time to get a promotion (other than when you get a new job) is during your annual review.
In fact, at many companies, the only time of year that employees are eligible for a raise and promotion is during their annual review. The pressure is on and the stakes are high, so you’ll want to go into it as prepared as possible.
Monster spoke with career experts to find out the best strategies for acing your annual review and setting yourself up for success in the New Year.

How you can benefit from France's new 'right to disconnect' rule

• 2-minute read •
Through the “right to disconnect” law, French employers now must implement policies on how they interact with work during off hours. Here’s how you can take France’s lead and still get your job done.
The timer for the pizza you have in the oven goes off just as your phone lights up with an email from your boss. Looks like dinner will have to wait.
Unless you work in France.
As of Jan. 1, workers in France have the “right to disconnect,” a measure that forces employers with 50 or more employees to negotiate terms and define rights with the workforce as they pertain to working once they’ve clocked out for the day, The Guardian reported.
Buuuut you live in the U.S. And we get that it’s hard to silence your phone and not be at the beck and call of your inbox at all hours of the day. Let’s examine the benefits to leaving your work at the office and offer a few hacks so you can stay productive while enjoying your well deserved off time.

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