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10 interviewing tips that lead to high job offers
The best interviewees use these mental tips to garner job offers.
Go into every interview with the end-goal of receiving a job offer. Make it your decision as to whether you want to work for the company rather than letting the company determine whether you are a fit.
While interviewing is not always easy, there are certain tricks which can be implemented to increase one’s odds of getting the offer and making the hiring manager confident that you are the right applicant. Here are 10 ways to do so:
5 networking tips for blue-collar workers
If you’re a blue-collar worker, you might think you can grow your career without relying on networking, simply because that type of thing isn’t typically associated with your industry.
But being able to make connections, build relationships and leverage your contacts are critical components to career success, regardless of what duties your job entails.
“When you’re a passive job seeker, you’re being complacent,” which can hinder your ability to get promoted or recruited, says Laurie Grove, director of career services at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.
Take these five steps to build your network.
12 tips to be courteous to your co-workers (that you should already know)
If you've ever had a roommate or a sibling you've had to share a living space with, you may have learned the hard way not to push the boundaries of common courtesy too far. Similarly, there are many unspoken rules in the workplace as well — so pay attention and exercise civility to the people you have to spend most of your waking hours with.
Here are 12 tips to be courteous to your co-workers that you should, hopefully, already know.
6 Tips for Remaining Relevant Professionally
No matter where you are in your career, staying relevant professionally will be a big part of your success. Staying current in your field will require a strong mix of hard skills such as computer programs and the technical know-how needed to do your job, and soft skills such as general industry knowledge and communication savvy. Here are six ways I work on staying relevant professionally.
6 Tips for Overcoming Job-Search Writer's Block
Those words aren’t going to write themselves, you know.
It’s common for people to have trouble talking about themselves and their accomplishments. But when you’re putting together a resume or cover letter, you don’t want to have to struggle to get the words on the page. Writer’s block is a real pain, but I’ve got several tips to help you work through it as you put your application together.
5 Resume Writing Tips for Government Job Seekers
Landing a public-sector job takes a special approach.
Applying for a government job is different in many ways from applying for a job in the private sector.
In fact, you might as well forget all the resume advice you've ever learned, says Marilyn Santiesteban, assistant director of career services at the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University.
Networking Tips That Won't Blow Your Cover
If you've got a job, you probably want to hold on to it until you find another one, even if it's less than ideal. But remember, in most states, employment is at-will, meaning you can be fired for almost any reason (so long as it is not discriminatory) — including looking for a new position.
Résumé-Writing Tips For Managers And Executives
Job seekers often communicate a first impression through their résumés. In the newly updated edition of "Expert Résumés for Managers and Executives," authors Wendy Enelow and Louise Kursmark stress the importance of a strong résumé for all applicants.
"A vital component of your career management plan is your résumé, which must instantly position you as a well-qualified and highly competitive candidate," the authors say. "The easiest way to accomplish that objective is by developing a powerful, performance-based résumé."
In their book, Enelow and Kursmark provide numerous résumé samples, divided by career field, that are aimed at people at all levels of management, from front-line supervisors to top-level executives. They also offer nine strategies for writing effective résumés:
1. Write for the job you want: "You cannot write an effective résumé without knowing, at least to some degree, what type or types of positions you will be seeking."
Cover Letter Tips To Help You Land Your Dream Job
If you're looking for a new job, then you know the importance of a great résumé. But don't forget that the cover letter is also a key tool. This is the place to highlight your knowledge of the company and how you're a brilliant match for the position. A compelling cover letter may mean the difference between getting an interview and never hearing back. If you're applying online, your cover letter may essentially be the text of your introductory email or a field in an employer's online form. Here are five cover letter tips that can help you stand out.
1. Keep it short and sweet
Think of a cover letter as a more personal elevator pitch. Write no more than three paragraphs, or about half a page. Hiring managers have to read dozens of résumés and cover letters, so don't annoy them by sending a tome.
Limit yourself to no more than two or three sentences about your work experience; your résumé will do a much better job of detailing this. Reserve the cover letter for showing why you're a great fit for the company and the position, and tell a brief story or anecdote to illustrate this.
Tips To Make Sure Your Boss Notices You
To get the boss to notice that you are beyond a number on the employee payroll list requires effort. Here are a few ways to make sure you stand in your supervisor’s line of vision.
1) Make Boss Look Good
One should always make sure the boss looks good in front of his seniors. “If there are presentations that your boss has to show his seniors, then make them error-free,” he says.
2) Speak up at Meetings
Not many people come up with out-of-the-box suggestions during meetings since they are wary of the reaction, so innovative ideas will always get noticed, says Srinivas Nanduri, partner, board & leadership hiring for the Indian arm of executive search firm Maxima Global.
3) Show Team Spirit
A team member will get noticed by the boss if he or she lends a helping hand to others. However, this should only be done when your work is complete.
4) Complete the Loop
A senior should always be kept in the loop of the work done by the employee. A mail marking a copy to the boss is a practice one can adopt, even if an assignment is beyond key result areas.
5) Reach Out for More
Popping into the boss’ cabin and seeing if he or she needs help with a project will project you into the limelight. An employee who takes out time to discuss other company-related projects and future prospects of tasks, shows he or she wants to be a decision-maker.
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Last minute tips before an interview
Enhance your interview skills with these last minutes tips to jet set your preparation for the scheduled interview. Read the points to ensure a positive interaction in the interview.
It is normal to be a tad anxious if not nervous, before appearing for any interview. We tend to soak up all information about the company and the proposed KRA before going for an interview. We do all we can to put ourselves in the best possible light. Some emerge as winners while some fail to win the recruiter. Here are some last minute tips which can further assist you in preparing for an interview.
Customizing your answer. Everyone at a subconscious level tries to mould themselves to the job they are being interviewed for. The answers and the resume get tailored according to the job profile. While it is good to customize them, remember, do not give the recruiter an altogether wrong picture of you. Doing it for a couple of hours is manageable, but doing it for 40 hours in a week is hard and tiresome. Even if you do get the job, you will not be able to excel in it, if uninterested.
Creating “the perfect answer”. Some interviewers throw questions such as ‘Tell me about your weak attributes’. Answering questions like these can be tricky. It is normally advised to point out a characteristic which can be beneficial to the company, though not as an individual. Do not go overboard however and include some honesty in the answer; for example you can say that you tend to go over all details even when it is unnecessary. Such a habit results in loss of time which can be used for something constructive. So also, every question cannot have a perfect answer, but at least give an honest one. Being honest gives them a better foresight of what you are, and does not set up wrong expectations.
Avoiding job gaps. It is okay to mention that you were without a job or had taken a break in the resume. It is easy to cover-up a small time gap, but if the break lasted for a year or more, then it is best to come out clean to avoid embarrassment later.
Talking too much about the current employer. Mention your present boss in clipped sentences. Indicating too much of allegiance to him/her or else cribbing about him/her can create misgivings in the recruiter's mind. Do not venture into detailed discussions on your present boss; rather focus on the job you are being interviewed for.
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5 tips for an impressive interview closure
Closing an interview right is almost as important as your performance during the interview itself. It is your chance to reaffirm the positive impression that you have created and hit the right note with the interviewer.
Interviews are your doorway to success. They decide whether you will get that job or not. And it is not just your performance during the interview that counts; the impression you create during the opening and closing of the interview also plays an important role in getting you the job. Here we will discuss a couple of tips that may be of help in closing an interview right.
Ask if the interviewer needs any more information. This shows that you are enthusiastic about the job and are ready to cooperate as much as you can. This information could include specific details about your background that the interviewer may have missed, professional references etc.
Reaffirm your interest in the position. Tell the interviewer that after what you have heard about the company and job profile, you are really interested in taking up the opportunity. This helps the interviewer in gauging whether you will be comfortable in the company or not and makes him/her believe that you are really excited about the profile.
Restate your selling proposition. Your selling proposition is a brief description of your strengths and achievements and why you are best suited to the job you are being interviewed for. Just state it while rounding up the meeting. This will help the interviewer remember you better.
Ask about the next step. This reaffirms your interest in the job and establishes you as an enthusiastic professional who wants to have the required information to prepare well. Moreover, this actually gives you the knowledge required to prepare for the next step in the process.
Ask for the contact details of the interviewer. The contact details will help you contact the interviewer in case you do not hear from them. It helps you in staying updated about the interview status and your candidature.
Also, remember to thank the interviewer for his/her time. These are just some of the basic things that you can do to close an interview right. However, what really matters is how you perform. So, prepare well and remember to leave your nervousness home when you go for the interview.
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Tips to face job interviews confidently
We dread interviews and when we are scared, we bungle. Confidence and preparedness are the only two things that can help you keep cool and succeed at interviews. Here's how.
Most of us dread job interviews but it’s the key to a successful job. Hence it is important to approach interviews in the correct manner and with the right attitude, as that is the key to success.
These tips will help you to stay calm and focused instead of being a nervous wreck. Follow these to remain cool and confident in your interview and so achieve success.
Go prepared: Find out about the company’s vision, goal, products, the work culture and the management from the website. Then from the job description, analyse how suitable you are as a candidate. You can’t be prepared for all questions as there will be some googlies and bouncers hurled at you. But there are some common interview questions and if you’re prepared for them, half the battle is won. You’ll be less tongue-tied and appear more confident if you’re ready with the response. You can check out what the interviewer wants to know for the same.
Be thorough with your CV: You should be familiar with whatever is mentioned in the CV. Read it thoroughly so that you’re not stumped by any question regarding your past employment and education.
Act confident: Even if you don’t feel confident, act as one emanating confidence. Your body language should be accurate and you should be making a positive impact during the interview. Sit straight on the chair and look into the eyes of the interviewer. Remember, you’ve nothing to lose and go with that mind-set. This causes less palpable stress.
Sleep well: A good night’s sleep is essential to stay fresh in body and mind. Never leave the preparation planning for the last minute. Be ready with your interview dress and keep your shoes polished. Women should clip their nails and remove nail paint if it’s uneven at places and smoothen it well in advance. Never eat late or have an extra drink the night before the interview as that might leave you with a hangover. Try to remain calm and happy to be successful.
Be on time: Travelling to the interview can be stressful, especially if you’ve to commute a long distance. Try and do a trial run a day in advance so that you know how long it takes to reach there. Thus, you can plan as per your schedule and convenience. Remember, arriving late for whatever reasons is totally inexcusable.
Take deep breaths: If you’ve been made to wait in the reception, have a glass of water and take some deep breaths so that your voice is regulated and you don’t seem shaky. Also, prepare for some small talk, like what you would be saying about yourself, etc. This is essentially to break the ice and you’re at ease instead of sounding like a diffident person.
Prefer mornings to the second half: Mostly you wouldn’t be given an option, but in case you are, take the morning slot to an afternoon one. Though it doesn’t always matter but you’re fresh in the morning and after you’re through, you can plan the rest of the day accordingly. If the interview's scheduled in the the second half, you carry the baggage of the schedules and plans for the entire day as well as the interview stress and come across as jaded.
Lastly, it goes without saying, be relaxed and don't worry too much. The job interview is for both parties, ie. both for you and the employer to decide on the respective suitabilities; so go with an open mind and try to be calm.
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7 tips to make trainings work
Regular trainings are important for continuous employee development and improved productivity. More so, in these troubled times of recession. What can you do to make your trainings work for the organisation?
With recession impacting almost all the organisations, there is a focus on improving the effectiveness of the employees resulting in lower costs and higher productivity. When it comes to improving performance, nothing works like proper training. However, we have all known cases where trainings have failed to make the impact that they were expected to make. For a training to work, it is necessary to plan it properly and implement it well. Here are some tips that will help you plan and implement trainings in your organization in a better manner.
Assess needs carefully: Plan your trainings based on a careful needs analysis. Try to assess the kind of skills that the organisation will need for successful completion of its projects and see where the employees stand in terms of skills. Then, understand what kind of trainings the employees think will be required to take them to the required level.
Clearly define objectives: After analysing the needs carefully, design the objectives of the training. The objectives should try to take into consideration all the points derived from the needs analysis. They should define the starting point and the end objective of the training and everything in between. This helps in ensuring that the training in targeted and never loses focus.
Create context and set expectations: Inform the employees in advance about the training and why the company thinks it is important for them. Tell them the expected outcome of the trainings and what kind of performance improvement would be expected out of them after the training. Ensure that you let the employees know that the training is their own responsibility and the knowledge addition will help them in their career growth.
Provide pre-training material and be ready with post-training material: The pre-training material can act as a refresher on the current skills for the employees. It can also be used to transfer new knowledge so that the trainees know what to expect and be prepared with their queries and doubts. Moreover, you can also use pre-training questionnaires to gauge the current situation and plan the training accordingly. Also, create post-training reading material so that the trainees can refer to them, when required.
Assess the trainees and give feedback: Assess the trainees to know how effective the training has been. The assessment method could range from play-acting, multiple choice answers to case studies. Based on the assessment, give feedback to the trainees about improvement and focus areas. The assessment results would provide useful insights towards what was good and what needs improvement.
Take feedback: Take feedback from the attendees about the positives and negatives of the training. This will help you understand what went well and what did not, and based on the feedback, you can look at making the next training better.
Assess real life training effectiveness: Enable and entrust the supervisors the responsibility to check the difference the training has made on the employee performance. Check if the training has brought about any changes in the work behaviour and productivity. This will help you understand the effectiveness of the trainings in real life and make improvements, if required.
Improved productivity and work quality is the key to handling the current situation. Ensure that the employees are properly trained to handle crisis and come out of it smiling through improved skill sets and higher quality of work.
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Tips for being an inspirational leader
Confused about ways to keep the team motivated and inspired? Well, to be able to do so, you will have to imbibe the qualities of an inspirational leader and lead by example.
The methods and ways of providing effective leadership to team members have changed over a couple of years. Various leadership strategies and methods have evolved with time. However, one thing that has not changed and probably never will is the importance associated with the leader being able to provide effective and motivational leadership to the followers and inspire them to achieve goals.
So, what is it that makes an inspirational leader? Given here are some qualities of an inspirational leader that any professional will need to inculcate in himself/herself to be successful as a leader.
Passionate: An effective leader has to be passionate about work, team members, vision and mission of the organisation. Only a passionate leader can sprinkle and spread the passion to the team members and inspire them to perform better. The leader’s belief in the vision and mission of the company is critical for enabling others to understand what is expected of them and help them perform according to the goals set for them.
Visionary: All great leaders have been great visionaries. As a good leader, you must be able to see what the future holds for the organisation and the workers and work towards making life better for everyone around. He/she must be able to align his interests with the company’s interests and push people to deliver their best.
Patient listener: Another important thing that a good leader should have is patient listening. Your team members may be going through multiple problems ranging from issues at workplace to personal problems. As a patient listener, you will be able to understand what is affecting performance and then take steps to correct them, before things go out of hand. Moreover, the team members may have multiple ideas and suggestions and listening to them may give you a brilliant business idea and make the team members feel important.
Trustworthy: To be a successful leader whom people want to follow, it is important to be trustworthy. If a leader is not trustworthy, obviously the team members will not want to follow him/her. The followers must believe in their leader, his/her vision and mission to be able to follow and deliver results. As such, a leader needs to be a highly principled person, personally and professionally.
Understanding: To be successful as leader, it is important to understand your follower’s needs and provide them what they need. The needs can vary from growth path to training. A good leader is one who is able to extract these needs from the team member and make arrangements to fulfill them, as per the person’s capabilities. Even if the needs are such that cannot be met due to organisational limitations, you must be able to give them satisfactory answers. A leader who understands the followers’ needs is always a motivational factor for his/her followers.
A leader always takes care of his/her followers and makes them feel included and important. Also, it is imporatnt for a leader to be able to lead by examples and provide motivation to the followers by working hard to achieve goals. A leader is born only through hard work and knowledge and should be able to impart these values to the followers.
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4 simple personal development tips
Personal development is not just about attending trainings or going back to studies. It is about identifying the factors that can hamper growth and controlling them. It is also about developing your motivation and personality.
According to Oscar Wilde, “The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.”
The same applies to your career also. You have to constantly try and upgrade yourself, your skill set, your motivation etc to keep going. People complain that with busy schedules, they find it difficult to work on self development. However, personal development is not only about attending trainings or going back to studies. We present a list of some easy tasks that can contribute a lot to your personal development.
Develop a healthy lifestyle and appearance: A healthy body and brain is the pre-requisite to personal development. So, eat, sleep and exercise well. Also, spend some time taking care of the way you look. Your appearance gives you confidence and motivation and helps develop your personality.
Eliminate time and energy wasters and clutter: All of us indulge in one or more activities at work that not only waste time but also drain energy, leaving us with less time and energy to do more meaningful things. These activities can include surfing the Internet aimlessly, gossiping etc. Take control of these activities before they become habits. Identify these time and energy wasters and avoid them as much as possible. You can start by clearing that clutter of papers and files on your desk and cleaning your computer and inbox.
De-stress your life: Work on removing strain and stress from your life. Resolve your conflicts, maintain a positive attitude, read motivational books and plan your work well. You may still find it difficult to avoid stress, given the current economic scenario. However, identify your stress factors and work towards rectifying them.
Enhance your skillset: Use whatever free time you have in hand to enhance your knowledge and skill set. Enroll for a distance learning course, study at home or when you get free time at work; and add extra degrees to your resume. You can also read books and surf the internet to keep yourself updated about the latest happenings in your field of work.
These simple tasks can go a long way in developing your personality. They not just help you control your work, your life and your surroundings but also pave way for your career growth and personal satisfaction.
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How to Tie a Tie: 3 Tips to Enhance Your Job Interview Attire
If someone asks you "what's the most important part of your job interview attire?", what would you answer? The suit? The shirt? The shoes? Perhaps. But did you know that the tie, to your outfit, is what the focal point is to a picture?
The shirt is the canvas and the suit is the frame. Change the frame on a picture and no one notices, change the picture in a frame and you can change the look of an entire room. That's why it's important for your tie to enhance your look, not detract from it.
Buying The Right Tie
To begin with, you first need a quality tie made of 100% pure silk to accomplish that job. As a male, you are generally expected to wear a plain colored, non-distracting tie with your interview suit, e.g. in a dark red or dark blue color.
However, simply buying the most expensive tie you can find in town won�t just leave that �most-favorable� impression you are looking for. People judge your capabilities by how you look. A crooked tie projects a sloppy look and says the same about your skills and abilities. Therefore, it�s important to focus on the tie knot as well.
Tying the Four in Hand Knot
The most useful tie knot to know for starters is the Four in Hand. It's somewhat narrow and slightly asymmetrical in form and looks just about perfect with any standard button-down shirt.
To tie it, you would stand in front of a mirror with your tie hanging loosely around your neck. Now, there are two ends to a tie: One that's wide that we're going to call "A" and a rather narrow one that we're going to call "B". The wide end "A" should extend about 12 inches below narrow end "B".
To begin, cross the wide end "A" over narrow the end "B". Then turn the wide end "A" back underneath the narrow end "B". Continue by bringing the wide end "A" back over in front of the narrow end "B" again. Afterwards, pull the wide end "A" up and through the loop around your neck.
Next, hold the front of the knot loosely with your index finger and bring the wide end "A" down through the front loop. Finally, remove your finger and tighten the knot carefully to your dress shirt�s collar by holding on to the narrow end "B" and sliding the knot up.
If you're feeling overwhelmed right now, don�t worry! Rather check out the colored diagrams which might be quite helpful to you!
Once you�ve tied the knot make sure that the widest part of your tie hangs roughly at the same height as the upper edge of your leather belt. And the belt, of course, should match the color of your shoes!
The Benefits of Tie Accessories
Another item you should consider buying besides your tie is something called a tie accessory. Tie accessories come in the form of tie bars, clips, tacks and chains. Their main purpose is to hold your tie in place at all times and prevent it from getting in your way when you eat, work or play. From my personal experience, I would recommend a classic silver tie bar.
During a job interview a tie accessory comes in especially handy. That's because without one, your tie would move around as you greet your interviewer or when you shift in your seat. Subconsciously, you would reach down to adjust your tie and straighten it out but such little things would make you feel even more nervous than you already are.
So, here's a quick summary of what I recommend you do before going to your next job interview:
#1: Buy a quality, conservative, 100% pure silk tie.
#2: Practice how to tie the Four in Hand tie knot and make sure that the tie�s widest end is roughly at the upper edge of your belt.
#3: Use a tie bar to attach your tie to your dress shirt.
Remember � wearing a quality silk tie, properly tied and fastened, is probably the fastest way there is to improving your overall job interview appearance and doubling your chances of leaving a favorable impression. Enjoy the interview!
5 Post-Layoff Tips
These days, even the most talented, hardest-working professionals have discovered that they're not immune from the flood of layoffs sweeping the nation. Unemployment rates are soaring and economists are forecasting that more tough times are ahead. For many individuals, this means that if they haven't already been laid off, the potential that they may suddenly become unemployed is building every day. Therefore, it's imperative that people -- whether they have a job or not -- know how to bounce back from sudden unemployment. "Nobody's job is 100 percent secure, and a recession is not the only economic event or trend that can threaten your job. Therefore, you need to develop skills that will make you resilient enough to rebound from a job loss. This way, you'll bounce back from unemployment more quickly and may even find a job that is more rewarding than your last," says Laurence Shatkin, Ph.D., co-author of "150 Best Recession-Proof Jobs" (JIST). In his book, he outlines the following strategies to help individuals maximize their ability to rebound from a job loss: In his book, Shatkin identifies the most recession-proof skills and encourages individuals to enhance these areas to become more valuable to employers in tough economic times. These skills include the following: · Social perceptiveness · Writing · Reading comprehension · Service orientation · Persuasion · Active listening · Critical thinking · Speaking · Learning strategies · Instructing
Job Hunting Tip - Time Management
Have you ever noticed that you get more chores done when you’re busy? If time is limited, we squeeze in those extra demands because we know they have to get done by a deadline and we fear putting them off. When time is unlimited, such as when you take a few days off work, there is no pressure to rush—"I’ve got four days, I’ll do it tomorrow." Suddenly, you are back at work and realize that you didn’t accomplish half of what you had planned.
This lack of structure is magnified when you are unemployed. There is no pressure to get up, get dressed, get out of the house by a specific time. We know we have things to do. We need to update our resume, create some new cover letters, research some possible job openings. It is so hard to get started because we hate having to do it, we don’t feel creative or excited about the whole prospect, and we dread having to go through the horrors of interviewing. We procrastinate, telling ourselves that when we are ready, it will just "flow." For a few hours, a few days, we’ll just indulge ourselves and relax.
When the end of the month arrives and we compare our diminishing bank balance to our multiplying bills, we mentally beat ourselves up for not having accomplished what we had so earnestly intended. Now we generate our own pressure, magnified by guilt and self-reproach. Stress levels and blood pressure rise. We feel resentful, angry, depressed. "I didn’t ask to get into this situation. It’s unfair. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it."
Adopting a reasonable schedule can avoid reaching this point. Try these ideas:
1. Take a day to do nothing but plan out what you are going to do, and when.
2. Concentrate on not over-committing yourself. You may be used to working 8 or more hours per day and think that is what you will now spend on job search. Remember that adage: your hunt for work is a lot more difficult than simply walking into a familiar employer and pursuing your daily routine. Recognize that and limit your job hunting to fewer hours per day.
3. If you rigorously limit your job hunt-related activities to 4 hours per day to start (you can always increase later), you may find yourself forced to stop before you are ready. This creates the impetus to get you going the following day -- you can hardly wait to get back to what you are working on.
4. When your "work time" is over, stop. Consciously focus your attention on relaxing: take a walk, read a book, throw a ball, watch television, whatever pleases you. You will be able to relax because you know you completed exactly what you planned. The guilt, and the sense of "I should have, I should be" no longer exist and you are free, for a short time anyway, to do anything you want.
5. Identify your priorities by looking at what day of the week is best for each kind of activity. If you are searching the classifieds, Sunday is the premium time to do it. If you are networking or cold calling, concentrate on the morning weekday hours. Agency visits, whether for temporary work or head hunting, can be relegated to the afternoons when employers are difficult to reach and already fatigued.
6. Analyze your own daily energy patterns and put them to work for you. Make sure that during your high energy periods you are "out there," contacting people and presenting yourself. Use your low energy times for solitary, mundane tasks: researching companies and jobs, organizing your paperwork, planning your next day’s activities.
The inevitable stress of unemployment and job search can never be totally eliminated, but managing your time and being gentle with yourself can turn a painful situation into simply an uncomfortable nuisance.
Resume Writing Tips
Keep it brief and concise
Do not turn your resume into a tedious list of key responsibility areas. Many people even use their company jargon in writing a resume. Instead tell the prospective employer how you made a difference to your job. Provide specific examples of how the company you work for gained from your performance. Highlight any goals which you achieved ahead of time, or any special cost-cutting measures spearheaded by your department.
Your resume should answer the following questions:
- What special expertise did you bring to your current job?
- Attach any special praise, certificates of achievement presented to you or your department.
- What were the problems or challenges that you or the organisation faced?
- What did you do to overcome the problems?
In all, the complete length of your CV should not be more than 2 pages.
“Sir, I would hereby draw your esteemed attention to the way my talents are in tandem with your company’s long-term goals” is a sentence most employers do not have time to read. Be specific, be direct. Which goals will you help the company to achieve better sales revenue, a new strategy to cut costs, better management of inter-department communication. Explain in a few crisp sentences what you do now, and what you aim to do in your new job.
Do not sprinkle your CV with personal pronouns
It is your CV and is bound to be about you. However, try to avoid using I, me, my in the CV.
The statement: I overshot my sales target by 20 percent and I was given a special increment by the marketing director.
Is better written as: Overshot my sales target by 20 percent, and was given a special increment by the marketing director.
Connect your skills to your job history
Your resume should record your career progression. That is, do link new skills to jobs done. Also the skills that you now have to the job you are applying for. Here is the basic resume layout:
- Lead with a strong profile section (detailing the scope of your experience, skill sets, key responsibility areas)
- Reverse chronological employment history (emphasising achievements in the past 10-15 years)
- Education (this might be moved to the top for fresh graduates)
- Other related topics include professional affiliations, community activities, technical expertise, and languages spoken.
- Personal details.
With the majority of large- and medium-size companies using technology to store resumes, the only hope a job seeker has of being found in an applicant search is the inclusion of relevant industry keywords. These do not have to be a separate section; rather, they can be sprinkled throughout the resume. A good way to determine keywords is to read job descriptions for positions that interest you. If you see industry buzzwords, incorporate them into your resume.
Keep references ready but provide only if asked for
Referees (people in responsible positions who refer you for the job) are the key to get a good job. Keep at least two good referees lined up but do not list them unless you are asked for them.
Check your resume for proper grammar & correct spelling!
This cannot be emphasized enough. Poor grammar and misspelled words cause a potential employer to question your attention to detail and the quality of your work. With a sea of applicants to select from why should they bother with an individual with a poor resume? Remember your resume is your personal promotional brochure. After checking your resume for grammar and spelling have some friends or colleagues look it over, the more the better.
With each viewing and edit your resume becomes more polished and will be more successful at its purpose- bringing you to employers' attention.
Eliminate unnecessary resume details
Hobbies and other personal interests should only be included if they relate to the positions you’re interested in.