Showing posts with label Job Seeker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Job Seeker. Show all posts

A Day In The Life Of A Job Seeker

"Looking for a job is a full-time job." It's a phrase we've all heard, and, for the most part, it's true. Searching for a job that you like, going on interviews, waiting for the call back. It's some of the most emotionally draining and time-consuming work you'll have to do.
One of the most important things one can do while hunting for a new job is to set a schedule and stick with it. For those who are employed in a job that they hate, it can be frustrating to go home and then spend more time trying to find a new job. All you do is go to work and then go home to do more work. But those without a job can find it even more frustrating, because of the endless time spent waiting -- and the diminishing bank balance.

So we asked job seekers for their tips on how they've dealt with the job search and what they've done to provide structure to their day. Here's what they had to say:

The early bird gets the worm: Don't waste your days sleeping. Get up early and set "office hours." By acting as if you're going to work, you're actually getting into a mindset that will put you on task.

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