Showing posts with label a. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a. Show all posts

How to get your professor's help finding a job

• 2-minute read •
While you’re still at college, there’s probably nobody more qualified to vouch for your performance than your professors—yet they’re often the last people you’d ask to help get you a job. It can be scary enough asking professors to help support you on class projects, let alone asking them to recommend you for a job, right?

But the thing is, most professors have excellent contacts in the professional world. And if they know you and like you, they’d be more than happy to help you succeed once you graduate.

But here’s the rub: They have to know you, and they have to be familiar with your work. For this article, we asked college-focused career experts how you can build those relationships now to put your professors in a better position to help you—so you’ll have one more career ally to help you land a job after graduation.

How To Talk About Your Biggest Weaknesses In A Job Interview

• 2-minute read •
You’re in the hot seat and things are going well. You talk about your attributes, skills and strengths with ease. Just when you think it’s pretty much in the bag, the hiring manager asks that dreaded question: What’s your biggest weakness?

“This is one of the questions people have the hardest time answering,” says Amanda Abella, a career coach, writer, speaker. “[Your response] tells the interviewer a lot about your character, so it definitely holds a lot of weight.”

How To Brand Yourself For A Career Change

• 2-minute read •
Job-seekers worry about their branding, but the folks who worry about it the most are people who are trying to change careers.
They wonder whether hiring managers will consider them for open positions when their resumes don't seem to show any relevant experience in their pasts.
Here are some of the branding questions that keep career-changers up at night:
• "I'm accomplished and credible in my traditional field, but there are no jobs in that field anymore. That's why I'm changing careers -- but why would a hiring manager choose me over somebody who's already worked in their function and industry?"

Ten Characteristics Of A Real Team Player

• 2-minute read •
There are motifs in the working world that we have heard so many times we don't think about them anymore. We think these motifs or themes are unassailable, like motherhood and apple pie.

One of the sturdiest and most unassailable themes in the business world is 'teamwork.' We all want to be great team players. We don't want to let down the team. We've been taught since we were tiny children that being a team player is the only way to be.

Get a job by graduation with this plan

• 2-minute read •
Start the new year with these strategies, and let the countdown to crushing your career begin.
For four years, you’ve followed a basic routine: register for classes, study, pass your tests, hand in final papers, repeat. In the back of your mind, you’re starting to realize something. When you graduate in a few months, like it or not, you’re about to be plunged headfirst into the real world.
That anxious “OMG what happens next?” feeling is sinking in, and that’s why you’ve started getting a head start on your job search. You’ve begun to build your social media presence. You’ve created a list of awesome companies to apply to. Maybe you’ve even started posting your resume and contacting your college’s alumni network.

My job is exhausting. How can I land a laid-back job?

• 2-minute read •
First, I think it’s great that you’re interested in looking for a new job because countless people would say, “My job is exhausting,” and then be miserable and do nothing about it. So bravo to you!

Second, with the end goal of landing a laid-back job, we need to work backwards from this point.

Why is your job exhausting? Is it because the tasks are menial and boredom inducing, or, is your job exhausting because it’s labor intensive and you’re on your feet all day? Or are you mentally stretched and your brain is fried each and every day? Combination of the above?

How to find a career mentor while you’re still in college

• 2-minute read •
Pop quiz: What do Mr. Miyagi, Yoda and Professor Dumbledore have in common? Aside from being pretty badass film icons, they’re each incredibly gifted mentors.

True, the chances of meeting someone who can transform you into a karate master or Jedi Knight are slim. But you can find a mentor to help show you the way forward.

“A mentor can help you establish your career direction and set long-term goals,” says Beth Zefo, co-author of Grad to Great: Discover the Secrets to Success in Your First Career.

And the great thing about being in a college environment is having access and exposure to so many people who are more than qualified to help guide you through the job search process, and later, the working world.

6 Genius Ways To Make Your Office A Better Place

• 2-minute read •
Picture this: Your office is actually a place you look forward to going to every day.

It would be beneficial to feel this way. Hating your workplace can be incredibly draining and can even contribute to a host of health problems, from gaining weight and losing sleep to interfering with your personal relationships.

Of course, it can be easy to feel excited about heading to work each day if you’re pursuing a vocation you truly love. But most of us will face mixed feelings about our jobs from time to time. When that happens, there are a few things you can do to get a bit more out of your workplace, according to research.

Should You Use a Chronological or Functional Resume?

• 2-minute read •
Too many people make the mistake of thinking that a resume's purpose is to get them a job. Actually, resumes open and close doors. Their main purpose is to make an employer interested enough to invite you in for an interview.

But how do you create that interest when you don't exactly fit the mold? Just as people come in different sizes and shapes, so do resumes.

How to convince a potential employer you want to downshift your career

• 2-minute read •
What do you think of when you hear the phrase “career trajectory”? Most likely, you’re thinking of career advancement. That kind of trajectory is admirable because it shows professional progress. You’re movin’ on up.

But what happens when you want to go in the other direction? Family obligations, your personal well-being and shifting priorities can all cause you to need to slow down.

Feel Like A Boss Before 7:30 A.M. With These Five Habits

• 2-minute read •
Author Lemony Snicket once wrote that how you spend your morning can often tell what kind of day you’re going to have. Are you ready to escape the endless snooze-shower-commute purgatory? Consider adopting these habits to get a sense of accomplishment, all before your morning coffee.

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