Showing posts with label Cope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cope. Show all posts

How to Cope When You Are Overqualified for a Job

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Are you professionally overqualified for your job? Are you having trouble finding a job that fits like a glove? Have you settled for a job that has no relation whatsoever with your professional skills?

When you are professionally overqualified, there are usually lots of stressful issues, which have to be dealt with. You may be forced to adjust your entire life and mold it to fit your current situation. This can be very stressful, frustrating and can even lead to depression.

It is therefore important to equip yourself with some tips on how to cope during this period when you feel like you have been hit under the belt.

6 coping tips for overqualified you:

1. Talk to your boss.

You may have to schmooze to do this; you have to do what you have to do to get where you want to be. Don’t be shy about telling your boss or any other significant person in your organization about your other professional skills.

Let them know that you would be interested in applying for other positions within the company, which match your skills better. Ask your boss to let you know about suitable positions that are open. Inquire about policies relating to internal candidates seeking to fill vacant positions within the company. Speak out…Mother luck may just smile on you!

2. Prepare to mentally re-adjust.

Life is tough as it is and being professionally overqualified means that you have to have the right mental attitude to adjust to your situation.

Mentally re-adjusting involves accepting your position and planning how to deal with it. You have to be prepared to not only deal with being a direct report to a boss who may be less qualified than you but also a leaner paycheck and a bruised ego.

You may also have to trim your resume and down play your qualifications to suit your current job description. The ability to maintain a positive attitude will do so much for you in terms of preserving your sanity. It never hurt anyone to look on the bright side.

3. Search for a more suitable job.

One good thing about being overqualified is that there are always other options available. Mount an aggressive job search, update your resume and keep all your relevant job related documents ready.

Begin to research your industry while look at current job listings on the Internet. Check for job openings posted in the classified section of your local newspaper and contact temporary employment agencies that hire professionals.

Be aggressive about your job search. Find out what additional skills employers are looking for and what you need to do to get a cutting edge over the rest of the job seekers in your field. Network with people who can give you leads about job availabilities in the sectors that interest you. Don’t give up.

4. Don’t be afraid to start fresh.

It is sometimes easier to get a clear perspective of what you really want to do when life is not going as smoothly as you expect. Take time to search your soul and take an inventory of what matters most in your life.

If you feel that you may have a better chance in another professional field, don’t be afraid to start a new. New beginnings can be a welcome relief especially if your current skills are standing in the way of better opportunities.

It’s never too late to start a fresh. Be prepared to adjust your life to new experiences and other opportunities

5. Join a professional association.

Volunteer or seek membership in a professional association that addresses issues in your field of expertise. This will keep you abreast of the latest developments in your field and keep you intellectually challenged.

Making contributions to the association and being actively involved in its activities will give you a chance to indirectly pursue what you are qualified to do. It will also give you a chance to meet and network with stakeholders who may widen your chances of getting hired in your preferred field.

6. Consider it a learning experience.

There are many lessons to learn from being professionally overqualified. Apart from acquiring new job skills, you may discover that you have strengths in other fields which your never knew you had.

Sometimes it takes hardship for the best attributes we have to surface. This may also be an opportunity to view things from another perspective.

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How to Successfully Cope with a Job Loss

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How prepared are you for an unexpected turn of events? What if the foundation upon which your income was based was suddenly shaken? How would you cope if you lost your Job today?

In these tough economic times, the unemployment rate is high and job scarcity is a common problem. The importance of getting a steady job to guarantee some form of job security cannot be underestimated. Having a regular job is as relieving as drinking a cold glass of water on a hot summer day.

With this in mind, you probably can’t afford to lose your job, because the key word is bills, bills, and more bills! The only way to settle the “bills” issue is to get a job and try to stay hired.

Most people assume, and rightly so, that they can't get laid off or fired. But what if it happens to you?

When you are caught off guard, your coping mechanisms may fail and you may just not know what to do and how to react. But, if you cannot plan for an unexpected job loss, you can definitely equip yourself with tips on how to cope when you have lost your job.

7 Valuable Tips for Surviving a Job Loss Crisis:

1. Don’t panic
When you think about all your bills and the other issues which depend upon your paycheck, it is very easy to panic.

The uncertainty of the future ahead and the possible reality that you may no longer be in control may be very overwhelming. As tempting as it may be, don’t panic because this is the time when you most require a clear mind to focus on the future.

2. Accept your situation.
The sooner you accept your situation the better. Don’t stay in a state of disbelief and denial. Don't allow the bitterness you may be harboring toward your ex-employers to consume your life and precious time. It is not worth. It is just not worth it!

Every case is different but if you intend to sue for wrongful dismissal, consider whether the measure is worth pursuing. Accept your situation as it is and remember that life does not always turn out as we expect. It may be tough but you have to deal with it.

3. De-stress yourself.
Losing a job can be a terribly stressful ordeal. It can cause sleepless nights as you constantly worry about a future over which you may have no control.

The uncertainty ahead may cause an overflow of negative feelings and you may need time to recover from the shock and to clear your head. If necessary, take some time off to think about your next step. Do not make hasty decisions. Talking to a trusted friend or family member about how you feel will always make you feel better.

4. Start a new job search.
The sooner you begin looking for another job the better! As soon as you get the motivation, undertake an aggressive job hunt campaign. Update your resume, do some research on the internet which offers a lot of information about current job listings and allows you to post your resume online, visit employment agencies and let them know about your availability to work and the position that you would be interested in, get the classified section of the newspaper that has job listings, network with people and let them know you are looking for a job. Send out your resume to employers who have job openings that may interest you.

5. Stay positive.
Don’t allow yourself to be engulfed by negative feelings of self-pity, worthlessness, anger, bitterness and etc.

These feelings may rear their ugly heads but keep them in control because they will take away your power and introduce depression in your life. This will accelerate ineffectiveness on your part. Motivate yourself daily by looking on the bright side.

6. Budget your finances.
Now that you don’t have a steady flow of income, consider putting a tighter reign over your finances by making reductions in your expenditures. Keep all the ‘luxuries’ at bay especially if you don’t have any emergency money saved up. This may entail making clear distinctions between what you really need and what you want.

7. Move on.
Hey, it’s not the end of the world. Always remember, “Every exit from somewhere is an entrance somewhere else.” Tom Stoppard.

A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make a turn. Do not be afraid to move on and start afresh. This may just be the beginning of something beautiful.

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