Showing posts with label Sell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sell. Show all posts

Asking these 4 questions will help you sell yourself in any job interview

The game isn’t over when the interviewer says “Do you have any questions for me?” You still have another chance to sell yourself.
Lynda Spiegel, founder of New York City-based Rising Star Resumes, once was asked by a job candidate to prioritize the projects that would be assigned to the role in question. The candidate, who was interviewing for a junior marketing position, then offered insights into how she'd address each project in stages to avoid lag times.

How to answer the job interview question ‘Sell me this pencil’

Yes, this classic question still comes up in 21st-century job interviews—particularly those for sales roles.
You’re sitting in a job interview ready to answer any question the hiring manager has about your qualifications and why you’re a great fit for the job. Then he holds up his writing instrument and says, “Sell me this pencil.”

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