Showing posts with label Secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secret. Show all posts

The Secrets of Interview Success

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As a candidate you should be able to express yourself with clarity and precision. To do this you must make adequate preparation, anticipating likely questions and rehearsing your responses. Your answers should appear spontaneous. At the same time, you should come across as thoughtful, articulate and coherent. So preparation is essential.

During the interview you should speak confidently, making sure to support your answers with relevant examples from your work experience. It is up to you during the course of the interview to acquaint the interviewer with whatever information you consider to be important in advancing
your claims to the job on offer.

Always relate your answers to the job for which you are applying. This is particularly important in the case of candidates who are faced with the sort of indirect questions favoured by many interviewers. For example, the interviewer may ask you to describe your current job. This is an indirect way of asking you to what extent your present skills and experience relate to the job for which you are applying.

Always present a positive face. Having studied your application form, interviewers will have identified the weaker aspects of your case. So it is in your own best interests to examine your application critically with a view to identifying any significant weaknesses or negative aspects. Prepare positive and convincing explanations of any shortcomings;
and emphasise what you have done or are doing to rectify matters.

Since interviewers are looking for candidates who display a positive attitude, you should state and supply evidence that you enjoy your job; that you are enthusiastic and ambitious; and that you welcome challenge.

It is important to tell the truth in interviews. However, try to present the facts as persuasively as you can. So examine and assess your own case and tailor the facts to create the best and most positive impression.

It is essential to develop a rapport with the interviewer right from the start. If you can give the impression that you have a lot in common with the interviewer and if he or takes a liking to you, you will greatly improve your chances of success.

Interviewers usually place a greater emphasis on practical experience than on paper qualifications, so it is up to you to convince them that your experience qualifies you for the job on offer. This will involve using your experience as evidence to support statements that you make in answers to questions.
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Hiring Manager Secrets

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If you worry about every possible way you can blow a job interview -- from mispronouncing the boss's name to babbling incessantly when you don't know what else to say -- you're going to walk in there feeling like you're destined to fail. True, job interviews are rife with opportunities for you to embarrass yourself, but hiring managers are more forgiving than you might think. We consulted some hiring experts about what is really going on inside their heads when interviewing job applicants. They offered the following insights:

They like you. They really like you.
Most hiring managers come to the interview wanting to hire you. They are hoping you are the best person for the job and can start when they need you. After all, you made it to the interview didn't you?

Show you are confident, even if you have to fake it.
Most hiring managers come to the interview wanting to hire you. They are hoping you are the best person for the job and can start when they need you. Have confidence. If you are frustrated with your job search, don't let that negativity show to the employer. Your pessimism can be a turnoff. Even if it's a temporary attitude brought on by rejection, the hiring manager might think it's your overall attitude. After all, you made it to the interview didn't you?

Don't apologize for being out of work.
A layoff can happen to anyone. What do you do if it happens to you? Don't be ashamed -- in today's climate, layoffs occur (unfortunately) daily. Many job seekers are in your shoes. Don't apologize. Instead, focus on the job you are interviewing for by showcasing your skills and exhibiting how you are the best fit.

Target your job search.
While you don't need to possess every single skill listed on a posting, you should at least be qualified for the position and prove that you have transferable skills. Your targeted résumé will help prove you're a serious candidate and have the right qualifications for the position. If you're spending time applying for jobs you're not qualified for, you're wasting valuable time you could be devoting to a position that's a better fit. If you recognize where your strengths lie and what transferable skills you possess, you'll see better results than if you apply to any posting you come across.

Get primed.
"Tell me what you know about the company" or "Why would you fit in well here?" have become staple interview questions, so don't be caught off guard. Shrugging your shoulders and saying, "I don't know" isn't going to score you points. Look at the company's Web site and read press releases and newspaper articles to see what's going on with your prospective future boss. In addition to prepare for the interview, you'll learn whether the company and its culture are a right fit for you.

They don't want to hear what you think they want to hear
Interviewers have gotten very smart to picking up if someone's spewing something they've memorized from a book. By only saying what they think the employer wants to hear, job candidates are simply putting on an act, and employers can see right through that. You have to be yourself in an interview and you have to be sincere.

They don't expect you to have all the answers
Employers are more interested in how you find answers to things you don't know than if you pretend to know something you don't. In some cases, the interviewer may ask a question that he or she doesn't expect you to be able to answer simply to see how you handle it. If you ever find that you don't know the answer to an interviewer's question, the best thing to do is to admit that you don't know, but either add that you could give an educated guess or provide a way you might go about finding the answer. Most important, if you don't know, don't try to fake it. Not knowing is OK. Making something up or pretending to know is not.

They want you to want them
You need to express genuine interest in the job or the company. As much as the recruiter wants to sell the candidate on the position and company, the recruiter also wants to know that the candidate actually wants to work in that position or for that company.

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How to Use References as Your Secret Weapon (and Not Get Torpedoed!)

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"REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST." This is standard language that appears on many job seekers' resumes. What is implied is that GOOD references are available upon request. Why would you provide references that will not help you get the job? Sadly, by not adequately preparing themselves and their references, many job seekers have seen a perfect job slip away. Don't let that happen to you.

The practice of calling individuals identified by the applicant themselves to vouch for them might seem silly, but for most hiring companies, reference checking is an important and necessary part of the hiring process. With the costs of hiring an employee ranging from $6,000 to over $25,000 if relocation is involved, employers want to make sure that their investment pays off. Take action to make sure your references actively help you secure the job you want.

1. References Need to be Presented Professionally
You know that your resume and cover letter are supposed to be prepared flawlessly. The presentation of your references should be given the same level of attention and professionalism, as they can reinforce (or undo) the positive impression the potential hiring company already has of you before checking your references.

Nothing is less professional than a job candidate groping through their notes trying to find a phone number for their references. It announces that you are unprepared and perhaps not even confident that you would need to provide references.

Be the person who pulls out a professionally prepared list of outstanding references, with everything that the reference checker could possibly need. This act states that you are ready and organized, and are approaching the job seeking process like the work project it really is.

2. Know the Differences Between "References" and "Employment Verification"
Many people get the terms "References" and “Employment verification” confused. “Employment verification” is when the potential employer contacts your previous places of employment to verify you worked there. This is different than a professional “Reference,” where someone is willing to discuss your work and vouch for your ability to do a good job.

Employment verification focuses primarily on facts; references often focus on subjective information. References are based on personal relationships. You are essentially asking someone to answer questions and share their impressions about your work style, accomplishments and interpersonal skills.

As part of your job-hunting preparation, you also want to do some homework with your former employers to understand their employment verification policy. Each company usually sets its own unique internal guidelines for handling such requests. You should know what information the company will release about you, such as dates of hire, last date of employment and job titles. Most companies restrict the information to those basic facts, but some will share salary and performance information also. Make sure you know who will be handling the response when employment verification requests come in.

3. Choose the Right People to Be Your References
Years ago, it was acceptable to provide both “personal” and “professional" references. In the new millennium, the credibility and relevance of personal references has disappeared. Forget the long-time family friends. Forget the priest, minister, or rabbi. Concentrate only on people who can attest to and give specific examples of your work, work ethic, and work style.

You want to offer 3-4 references, with 5 at the most. Try for a mixture of people above you (bosses, project leaders and managers), people next to you (peers, colleagues and co-workers), people below you (employees, mentees, support staff), and people outside (vendors and customers). Each of these people will view your skills and contributions differently, and can offer refreshing insight to a new employer.

Also strive to represent a mixture of work projects, different jobs you've held and community projects over the last several years. Each reference will therefore be able to provide examples about many different facets of your expertise. The result is a well-rounded and positive picture to paint for your new employer.

4. Time the Presentation of Your References Correctly
Pretend you have offered to be a reference for a colleague. You give permission to be called at work, although your schedule is always busy and overcrowded. Now, (honestly), how many reference discussions with strangers would you like to have about your former colleague? Ten? Fifteen? If you are honest you know it is more like one or two. More than that will start to grate on your nerves. While you want to help, your time is too precious to waste by talking to a lot of people when a job for your friend isn’t really at stake.

The point is that references are one of your most valuable resources in nailing that job offer. Don't waste them, and don't let them be called randomly. Guard them with the respect they deserve and let them only be contacted infrequently.

The ONLY time to share your references’ names and contact numbers is after you have been interviewed and you sense a job offer may be coming (and you are interested in possibly accepting). Before then it is simply too early. Of course, this means that references should never be listed on your resume or on your cover letter. Instead, they should be on their own professionally prepared document that you present to the interviewer at their request.

5. Make It Easy for Someone to Contact Your References
The Reference Sheet should include the reference's name, the address and phone number where they would like to be contacted (ask them, since most will have a preference), their current job title, some background on them (John has worked for GE for 25 years in both engineering and manufacturing, and is now the head of the group pioneering new products. He is a huge Yankees fan), and the nature of your professional relationship with them (I worked for Sue for 6 years, beginning as an administrative assistant. She promoted me to Marketing Coordinator and that was where I learned all about printing).

If you provide all this information in a professional format, you will likely be the only job candidate who adds this special attention to detail. Additionally, the background and relationship information you provide gives an entry point for the reference-checker to begin the call to the reference. This makes it easier on the interviewer, and therefore reflects well on you!

Remember, the reference-checker is forming an impression of you all along the process. Reference checking is subjective -- people "get a feeling" about you from the person. Make the initial impression they have of you positive, "Wow, Joe is so organized, I have lots of information about the people I have to call to discuss him. This is easy."

6. Prep Your References Before They Are Contacted
The worst thing you can do as a job seeker is to allow an experienced Human Resources Manager to contact your unprepared references and begin to grill them about you. Yet most job seekers do not make sure their references are prepared and primed to talk to the future employer. As the owner of the process you need to make sure your references are primed on
a) your past accomplishments and b) your future career goals, interests and strengths.

Does your reference have a copy of your current resume? They must! How many of you can say your boss really knows ALL of the things you get done around the office? Most don't -- so give them a cheat sheet. Remember, these people are your fans, and will love reviewing your resume and agreeing that you are a wonderful employee that can make a real contribution.

Before you give out a reference's name, place a call to them. Tell them about the job you are considering, and what you will be doing in the position. Be sure to tell them which traits to emphasize or what skills you wish them to communicate to the prospective hiring manager. The more they know about the job and what you have already told the potential employer, the better they can assist you in getting the job offer.

7. Make It a Priority To Keep In Touch with Your References
Your work is not done when you get the new job. Be sure to go back and thank your references profusely. Thank you notes are important and are expected from a professional at any level. Anyone who helps you along the way should be thanked and you should offer to return the favor if you can ever help them in the future.

Also, be sure to stay in touch with your references for the long may need them again someday. Many job seekers complain that they have "lost touch" with old employers and colleagues and therefore don't have any references to provide. Starting today, you must take on the responsibility to keep in touch with a list of people you would like to serve as future references. Holiday cards and birthday cards are a great way to stay in touch without a lot of effort.

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