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Showing posts with label More. Show all posts

5 Things That Are Doing More Damage To Your Job Application Than You Realize

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When you’re searching for a job, it’s easy to spot a good position and just go through the motions of submitting a resume and cover letter without even thinking. But when it comes to making yourself stand out among all the qualified candidates, being on auto-pilot only hurts you. After all, just one little blunder can turn a recruiter off.

To avoid that from happening, we’ve identified five pretty common—but surprisingly harmful—pieces of information that most of us are guilty of including in our job applications. Next time, leave them off—and focus on the information that’ll really make you shine.

How you can make the most money as a nurse

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2016 was great for continued job growth in the health care sector. That’s not news at this point; in terms of job growth, the sector has been one of the top sectors in each monthly U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Situation report of 2016.

But wait, that’s not all. This sector has not only seen job creation, but wage growth as well, according to the most recent monthly BLS employment report.

For nurses, though, this uptick in wages, in particular, has been going on for a couple years now. In nursing, salaries increased, on average, about 1.3% per year from 2008 to 2014, according to BLS data. But in the past two years, that rate has doubled, with nurses’ salaries increasing about 2.6% per year since then.

How to use numbers to make your resume seem more impressive

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Recruiters look at hundreds of resumes per day—sometimes for the same position. How can you make yours stand out? You could hire a pro or create a super creative infographic resume—or in about 10 minutes, you could add data and metrics to quantify your achievements, and upgrade your resume from amateur to amazing.

Don’t worry—it’s not as hard as it might sound. In fact, for a quick 90-second lesson on how to do it, check out our video below. Or, keep reading and we’ll share some pointers here.

How to send your resume to land more interviews

• 2-minute read •
Congratulations! You’ve written your resume, and you’re ready to click send. Now, what?

Are you sure you’ve done everything you can to give your resume a fighting chance?

Having to figure out how to make a resume in the first place was the hard part. Sending your resume to a hiring manager may seem like the easiest step in the resume writing process. But it’s best to not trip at the finish line.

Here are a few tricks that you should try out before you click that send button.

Few Things are More Destructive Than an Insecure Boss

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Few things are more destructive to a career than a boss who is insecure. Unfortunately, it is a near certainty that most people will encounter one or more such persons along the way.

Seven Traits Of An Insecure Boss
You will know your boss is suffering from an insecurity complex when he or she is engaging in behavior highlighted by these seven such traits:

1. The boss insists on absolute control over everything in the department. He rules with an iron hand, refusing to delegate any real authority. He doesn't trust anyone. He has few allies. Those allies he does enlist are formed into a tight little clique strongly obligated to his authority and dependent on it. They live an uncertain life on a short leash.

2. The boss constantly interferes in the work of his staff. Second guesses are the order of the day.

3. He constantly defends his position. Every question or hint of criticism is treated as a challenge to his worth and authority. He doubts he has the respect of his associates. Those who exhibit a mind of their own are under constant attack.

4. The insecure boss is most often an absolute perfectionist. He will climb the wall when you make a mistake. But look out. When he fouls up, he will blame it on someone else. He has to be right every time.

5. He will resist making decisions. This means endless studies and return trips to the drawing boards.

6. He will frequently remind you who is boss.

7. He finds it next to impossible to laugh at himself, but he is quick to laugh at others.

Seven Actions You Can Take
There are no certain quick fixes, but there are seven steps that will help mitigate the situation and advance your own interests. Actually, insecure bosses can offer opportunities.

1. Be certain you are not contributing to your superior's low self-esteem. Do everything you can to reassure him of your respect for his position and your commitment to helping him do his job.

2. Shore him up at every opportunity. Learn where he feels most insecure--where his hot buttons are--and make a special effort to be
helpful in these areas.

3. When you have to challenge him, and surely you will from time to time, be certain to do it in a positive way. Don't question his authority. Never challenge or criticize the boss in the presence of others.

4. Never go around your insecure boss to deal directly with his boss without explicit approval. Make sure he realizes that you clearly understand the hierarchical relationships. You don't want to become an endangered species because you are seen as questioning his judgement and appealing to higher authorities.

5. Always be sure he gets more than his fair share of credit for your good work. Stay one step behind him when the limelight shines.

6. Find some of his good points and acknowledge them, publicly as well as privately. Remember, your boss may be a pain in the neck to work with, but surely he must have some redeeming features worthy of compliments.

7. Think of your own insecurities and what helps you deal with them. Apply what you learn from this analysis to dealing with your insecure boss.

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