Showing posts with label Manufacturing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manufacturing. Show all posts

How To Write A Résumé For The Manufacturing Industry

The keys to writing a winning résumé in any industry are to demonstrate your knowledge and experience, position yourself as a skilled individual who is a good match with the company, and show that you know and understand the field. But when it comes to manufacturing, hiring managers are looking for more. Not only do they expect you to know your industry, but they look for résumés that are formatted a certain way, demonstrate specific experience and prove that a candidate fits with the industry's culture.

Experts weigh in on how to write a résumé in the manufacturing industry, as well as what mistakes to avoid.

General formatting and length
In manufacturing, it's essential to keep the process moving and ensure that every piece works well together. Apply the same logic when writing your résumé. Keep it streamlined, avoiding lengthy and unnecessary work. Generally, the rule for résumé length is that one page is standard, and it's acceptable to add another page for every 10 to 20 years of experience you have. However, social media and abbreviated attention spans have changed how we communicate. "In the Twitter age, less is more," says Vanessa Smith, career services director of Employment Boost, which provides professional résumé writing services.

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