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How to answer the job interview question: ‘Tell me one thing about yourself you wouldn't want me to know’
You thought your job interview was going very well—until your interviewer and dropped a bomb and asks: “What is one thing about yourself that you wouldn’t want me to know?”
All sorts of inappropriate—no, really inappropriate—answers may pop into your ahead.
Do not blurt them out! Take a moment, inhale slowly and then smile, because you’ve done your research and you know what this question is really about.
How to answer the job interview question, ‘What is your biggest regret and why?’
What is your biggest regret and why?” is a common job interview question that can cause candidates to stumble. Don’t let it throw you off of your game if it comes up in your next interview—and don’t assume that you can get off the hook by saying, “I have no regrets.”
While employers may be looking for the perfect candidate, they’re not looking for the perfect person. Employers want to see if you blame others for your regrets, or if you follow a reasonable, logical process to learn and move on from a mistake.
Job interview thank you: Is it better to send a letter or email?
Job search etiquette is clear on one thing: Every interview should be followed promptly by a thank you note.
But should your interview thank you come in the form of a typed email or handwritten letter? That’s where things get a bit nebulous.
The most important thing is not whether you follow up with email or handwritten paper, but whether you follow up at all, Missing that opportunity is more of a problem than choosing the medium is.
That said, there are advantages and disadvantages to both. Let these criteria be your guide.
Practice Makes Perfect: How to Rehearse for Your Next Job Interview
There are a lot of steps that usually happen before you get to the interview portion of your job search: writing a resume, networking, compiling your references. Most folks are able to put a lot of effort into getting the interview, but many fall apart during the actual interview. Why? Poor planning and a lack of practice.
Instead of winging it, or relying solely on your professional skill set, you should stage a rehearsal for your next job interview.
Not sure how to go about doing so? Start by enlisting a family member, friend or partner to play the role of interviewer, and ask that she stay in character from start to finish. Set up a space, such as a desk or table, where you can create a suitable setting. Then use these 10 tips make your interviews -- both mock and real -- successful.
Do Your Homework
Learn all you can about the organization in advance. Share this information with your mock interviewer, perhaps in the form of crib notes. She can use this to grill you.
Tune In
Watch people being interviewed on television and make note of what works. Look for traits that make people likable and competent.
State the Unobvious
Create one really intriguing statement about yourself. For example, a woman I know, expecting to be told, 'Tell us a bit about yourself [the most popular interview question],' replied, 'I think I should tell you I'm a nonconforming conformist.' She explained what she meant and wound up getting the job."
Think Outside the Box
A little visualization can go a long way, according to Caroselli, author of Principled Persuasion. Think about a visual that really represents what you can do. It can be a photo taken at an event you organized, for example. If you have nothing that symbolizes your capabilities, then look for a pattern not readily apparent in your resume and be prepared to talk about that particular interest or talent, apart from your official work history.
Know Your Lines
Actors do it, and you should, too. Memorize a few short quotes and have them ready. They'll help you respond articulately to virtually any question.
Sum It Up
The very first request an interviewer may make is,Tell me about yourself. In order to answer this interview question quickly and succinctly, she urges interviewees, Have an elevator speech ready in case they want a brief overview of your career.
Be Tough on Yourself
Research tough interview questions and provide them to your helper. Also, point out gaps in your skills or holes in your resume and instruct her to grill you on those points. By comparison, your own, actual interview will seem like a walk in the park, and that prospect will encourage you.
Capture It on Camera
If possible, have someone video you doing an interview rehearsal. Then study your body language to see if it reveals confidence, poise and enthusiasm.
Listen Up
Close your eyes and listen back to the recording of your replies to interview questions. Play the tape back and analyze your responses. Ask yourself, 'Would you hire you?'
Stay Calm
Work on being relaxed before your big meeting. When you get to the interview site and are waiting to be called in to the interview room, work on a brainteaser. Research shows it calms the nerves and takes your mind off the challenge ahead.
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