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Maybe you’re one of those people who wakes up one morning, decides that you’re not happy with your life, quits your job, sells your possessions and moves into a yurt outside Sedona, Arizona. For the rest of us, the revelation that we’re burning out is not quite so dramatic. Over time, work stress, financial worries, family struggles and/or health issues accumulate, dragging us down and fraying our edges bit by bit until we’re eventually just spent. Realizing when you’re approaching the red zone, however, can mean the difference between course correcting now or sobbing in the office stairwell later. In order to manage and avoid impending burnout, you need to recognize its tell-tale signs. Here are four of them to look out for.
You can’t get enthusiastic.
Optimism and engagement is often the first thing to go. You’ve got plenty to do, but you just can’t seem to make yourself do it. Major work stress can make closet nihilists out of even the most chipper and diligent among us. If you’re feeling stuck about starting projects, putting off work until the 11th hour and asking “What’s the point?” about all the entries on your to-do list, it’s an indicator that burning the candle at both ends is catching up with you.
Your self-care is suffering.
“Someone people are driven to drink by stress. I’m driven to eat,” a colleague once declared to me during a period of workplace turbulence. It was 9:00AM and he was scarfing down a burrito at the time. If you’re living off Fritos and coffee, skipping the gym, or battling nightly insomnia, you’re on a bad trajectory. Healthy habits and helpful routines are often cast to the side when you start getting overwhelmed by life. Eating junk or having another drink provides a quick-fix mood lift that ultimately leaves you feeling lower than before. Beware the temptation to let self-care slide. It never ends well.
Your mood is affecting others.
Are you getting in more arguments with your partner? Does your bad mood have your friends making excuses not to hang out? Are coworkers afraid to approach your desk because they don’t know when or if they might get their head bitten off? If your uncharacteristic demeanor is starting to affect your interactions and relationships with others, it’s a strong signal that you’re approaching the end of your rope. You shouldn’t have to hide your feelings from your nearest and dearest, but neither should they become emotional punching bags or amateur therapists. When your problems start causing problems for others, you need to evaluate how you’re (not) managing your stress.
Your free time is all about recovery.
Are your evenings spent staked out on the couch? Do you stagger to the end of Friday like you’ve just completed the mental equivalent of an Ironman? We all veg out occasionally, but if you seem unable to escape recovery mode, it’s a sign that your batteries are about to die. Your inability to muster the energy to sit upright let alone drag yourself to a movie with friends is your body’s way of telling you that your current circumstances are untenable and it’s not going to let you get away with them for much longer. Take heed.
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