The 'Terrible 10' Behaviors in the Workplace

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Think you can get away with leaving coffee grounds in the sink, or taking that handicapped spot? Maybe. But according to a new study, even if coworkers don't say anything about such rude behaviors, they are likely to harbor resentment about it.

The 'Terrible 10' List

Based on those rankings, the "Terrible 10" behaviors are (from most to least offensive):

  1. Employment discrimination.
  2. Erratic/aggressive driving that endangers others.
  3. Taking credit for someone else's work.
  4. Treating service providers as inferiors.
  5. Mocking race, gender, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, or religion.
  6. Children who behave aggressively or who bully others.
  7. Littering.
  8. Misusing handicapped privileges.
  9. Smoking in non-smoking places or smoking in front of non-smokers without asking.
  10. Using cell phones or text-messaging in mid-conversation or during an appointment or meeting.

Some actions, such as discrimination, may be illegal; but even more subtle behaviors, such as making a sexist joke or not asking before lighting a cigarette, still add to the stress of the daily grind and can actually lower productivity.

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